Thursday, July 26, 2007


The mead nearly made.
Et Cetera Bookstore!
To what shall we compare thee?
Art thou a bookish hive,
Rectangular shelves stacked high
With nectar - the distillate of
The pollen of human thought?
The gold dust of the ages
Lies bound in your boards,
Each word but a mere mote
And Each book but a dry spur
To a lifelong thirst, never slacked.

Or art thou more or less?
A Place where friends scramble wits
Over cigarette, coffee and chess,
Safe from marauding bears
And the press of the dollar,
From the wan words of newspapers
And their disconcerting headline hollar!

No matter - yours is but a daily epic.
Though time tells us the days
Still mount into years,
I tell you the Golden Age is now,
This day, this hour, this minue,
That the gathering of honey is at hand,

by Arthur Tuck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To All The Etcetera Group:

Love, peace, and blessings to you all.

I only learned of Billy's passing a year after his death. He and Yvonne were, and still are, the heart and soul of our group.

I strongly feel that Bill is still with us. And, too, the books he gave us.

I have not seen any of you in San Antonio since February of 1973, but I still carry, and greatly cherish, my memories of you all.

I loved the bookstore, loved to sit in the old straight-back chair, loved to work in the back room, and loved to sit at the front counter when Bill and Yvonne needed a break from the store.

I loved the Saturday night meetings at the Etc, and always loved going out for coffee.

Here's to the days of our youth. Here's to our searching and finding.

Here's to all of you: Bill, Yvonne, Lane, Cindy, Terry, Lee, Arthur, Joachim, Barbel, Jim, and Anna.

I love you all.

Ed Ruff
711 W. 26th Avenue
Kennewick, WA 99337

11:19 AM  

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